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Turnkey Solutions
No risk - Full guarantee!
One-Stop Shop Concept
The Turn Key Solution enables our specialist engineers and application technicians to bring their full line competence into the project. More than 35 years of project experience in combination with a close customer loyalty are the evidence for that. Thanks to the UNICOR One-Stop-Shop-Concept you can outsource a lot of administrative, conceptual and coordinating tasks to the UNICOR experts whereas you keep on concentrating on your core business. Independently of retrofit projects, extension of existing installation lines or new ones, we at UNICOR have the know-how of corrugated pipe production. We conceptually map the entire manufacturing process through our cross-market system expertise.
For this purpose, our solution-oriented philosophy is in the foreground. It is our target at UNICOR to make your company successful in corrugated pipe production. We focus on the development and manufacturing of corrugators, tools, and complementary die heads. All further components required for the manufacturing process are evaluated projcet-specifically on the international supplier market.
Safety for you!
The solution-oriented basic attitude is not only geared to the perfectly equipped system, but also, in particular, to the specific corrugated pipe requirements and the individual environment situation. In addition to engineering services in mechanical engineering, our application engineers also bring comprehensive material and raw material knowledge to the project implementation.
Turn Key Solutions do not only offer you a guarantee for the right solution but also a maximum of planning reliability. At UNICOR you buy a complete line at a package price. Hidden or unforeseen costs do not exist. Our complete production line is delivered in the agreed scope and in line with the fixed budget. There is full guarantee on delivery and budget at no risk for you!
Supplier Support
As soon as commissioning of your installation line has been completed, we offer supplier support to the full extent. And this from day one, without shifting responsibility to the other manufacturer. We are and remain your central contact! This is what our decades-long international customer relationships stand for.
UNICOR – we keep what we promise!